「consequences of the general strike 1926」熱門搜尋資訊

consequences of the general strike 1926

「consequences of the general strike 1926」文章包含有:「GeneralStrike1926」、「ConsequencesoftheStrike」、「1926UnitedKingdomgeneralstrike」、「TheGeneralStrike1926」、「GeneralStrike1926」、「AftermathoftheGeneralStrike」、「TheGovernmentandtheGeneralStrike」、「GeneralStrikeof1926」、「Lessonsofthe1926generalstrike」、「TheGeneralStrikeanditsAftermath」

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General Strike 1926
General Strike 1926


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Consequences of the Strike
Consequences of the Strike


The General Strike was a remarkable achievement demonstrating the innate strength of working class solidarity. · Apart from the crushing blow to the miners there ...

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1926 United Kingdom general strike
1926 United Kingdom general strike


1926 United Kingdom general strike ; 4–12 May 1926 · Mine owners' intention to reduce miners' wages · Higher wages and improved working conditions · General strike.

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The General Strike 1926
The General Strike 1926


By the end of the war, falling exports and mass unemployment created difficulties throughout the mining industry. This was further impacted by the failure of ...

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General Strike 1926
General Strike 1926


The strikers slowly returned to work apart from the miners who struggled on until November, eventually having to return to work with less money and more hours.

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Aftermath of the General Strike
Aftermath of the General Strike


13 May 1926: 'The British Gazette'Link opens in a new window claims that there has been an unconditional surrender by the strikers.

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The Government and the General Strike
The Government and the General Strike


They could coerce the miners, because the miners' only weapon was the strike and this could be used by the Government as a threat to good order and therefore a ...

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General Strike of 1926
General Strike of 1926


When the miners went on strike (May 4, 1926) and they were supported with sympathetic strikes in other vital industries, Baldwin proclaimed a state of emergency ...

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Lessons of the 1926 general strike
Lessons of the 1926 general strike


The Workers' Weekly was raided, with their press immobilised by the removal of key parts of machinery. Up-and-down the country, Communists were ...

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The General Strike and its Aftermath
The General Strike and its Aftermath


Its publications were suppressed, its meetings were banned, and its members were arrested in large numbers.245 Indeed it has been estimated that between 1,000 ...